The Nonprofit Atlas

Start your nonprofit.


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Start your nonprofit on the right foot.

We lay the groundwork so you can grow fast.

We handle the administrative setup and build the resource engine so you can focus on sharing your vision with others and getting started on your mission.

Whether you have yet to start or your organization is still young, we transform humble beginnings into professional powerhouses.

Only thinking through your idea?

The Maiden Voyage™ helps you plan your launch, then map out your first year.

Planning is like tilling the ground for growth. Organizing is like seeding. Launching is like sprouting a new plant. Growth accelerators for nonprofits include structure (which is like tying a young plant to a stake for support), governance (like tending to the garden), and resources (like water and fertilizer).

Organizational Setup

Let us handle your governmental filings. We will:

  • Incorporate your organization with the Florida Department of State (with certified documents)
  • Obtain an EIN through the IRS
  • File your application for 501(c)(3) status with the IRS
  • File any necessary municipal business licenses
  • Register you with the Florida Department of Revenue
  • Submit your charitable solicitations registration with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

The Founder's Startup Guide™

Get the basics to structure your organization for growth. This package includes:

  • The Board Builder™ to recruit and retain high-quality board and committee members.
  • The Officer’s Manual™ to quickly prepare effective bylaws and policies.
  • The Navigator’s Guide™ to assess your organization’s situation and receive expert recommendations.

The Founder's Blueprint™

Get everything in The Founder’s Startup Guide™ and add the below to set up your organization for longevity and change-making. This package includes:

  • The Business Plan Creator to help you build in an hour what usually takes weeks and includes our signature ROMANCE analysis, PESTLE analysis, a preliminary Chart of Accounts and Profit & Loss statement, a Theory of change, and more.
  • A Competitor-Partner Analysis to scope out the landscape of organizations doing like-minded work.
  • The Mission Mapper™ Essentials Package to build engagement and support for your mission.
A graphic showing the package features of The Founder's Startup Guide ($649) and The Founder's Blueprint ($1,497). The package features

We have coached over one thousand organizations. Most are just like you: ready to take an idea into action, but unsure how to start with the biggest first step.

Still thinking through your idea?

The Maiden Voyage™ helps you plan your launch, then map out your first year.